Featured Client of the Month

Advanced AccessFirst time I got featured in Advanced Access (Real Estate Web Marketing company) newsletter as Featured Client of the month. It's kinda cool even though its very limited "recognition" (if I can say so). They called me and asked if I would like to give an interview. Well, being in the Internet Marketing business myself I understand that these kind of things can work as positive exposure, which is highly relevant to my activities and interests. Plus it's a good treat for my own ego :) On the other hand if look closely, it is a great marketing tool in B2B relationships. We all do a good job and trying to get positive feedback, but how many of us really complement our clients first? It's an easy formula: provide great service + complement your client on the greater services they provide = get positive feedback and complement in return There is more benefit to it: you promote your client and tell everyone around how good they are; it creates positive relationship between company and the client; the company openly shows that their success depends on their client's success and that's why they care; hey, it's a great marketing pitch to attract more clients and its fresh, interesting and insightful content too ;) Don't you think it is much more beneficial then regular testimony requests?

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